desert crab logoThe Hairy Crab Desert Classic
April 28- May 2 2024
Palm Springs, CA

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Your impact

chunhui_childrenThank you for standing by our side. With your partnership as one of our national co-sponsors, within one year, 3,320 children experience the joys of childhood and are reaching important milestones, 646 caregivers, teachers and mentors participate in training opportunities to ensure they best meet the needs of children in their care. Most importantly, all impacted children know they are loved and that their lives matter.


1. Programs highlights:

Chunhui Babies

chunnaiFull-time Chunhui Mamas recruited from the local community are taught the art of "responsive care." Each taking care of no more than four babies, they pay close attention to the needs and interests of their small charges, aged 0-3 years old, even during the most routine activities of the day. They learn to care and love these children as any parent intuitively would - singing, playing, cuddling, hugging and doting on them.

Chunhui Preschools

chunnaipreschoolsChunhui Preschools prepare 3-7 year-old children for mainstream elementary and special education schools. Trained teachers, who are university or normal school graduates, use a unique and progressive curriculum that blends principles of the Western Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education with contemporary Chinese teaching methods. Special areas are designed for art projects, music, reading, imaginary play and developing motor skills. Like the approach employed in the Chunhui Baby Program, teachers endeavor to understand the interests of each child before developing individualized curriculum and projects based on those interests. Each teacher takes care of up to six children.

Chunhui Youth

chunnaiyouthAdolescent years can often be a struggle, especially for those who do not have the good fortune of their biological family's support. Without proper guidance or encouragement, many older orphaned children give up on themselves. Our trained mentors spend time getting to know the older children and young adults in our program between the ages 7-18 so they can develop an individualized plan for each child. The plan may include music, art, computer or language lessons. It may include tutoring or sports or vocational training. It may even include college prep and support through university years. Our mentors are a constant presence in these young people's lives, providing personal attention and hugs as needed, teaching them that they can have the same big dreams as other children and supporting them as they go after those dreams.

Also thanks to Hairy Crab, generously to place the funding as unrestricted become one of the national co-sponsors of Chunhui funding to maximize the impact and bring the motherly love to the children in most needs.


Financial Impact

chunnaibabiessitesHairy Crab Charities supported 5.6% of Chunhui's 5.9M RMB 2015 annual budget impacting the lives of 6,324 children.

Social Impact

- With nationwide program impact, Chunhui Preschools management team was invited to early childhood education conferences. Chunhui CEO Cindy Lin delivered a keynote speech, sharing the changes Chunhui bring to children and the experience it has in running enrichment programs in Chinese state-run orphanages.

- On April 20-21, 2015, Chunhui chief program officer Zhou Dan, preschool program senior director Du Xiurong, Anhui Rainbow training program manager Hu Kongbao, 1jiaren online learning community manager Li Ping and professional development director Jasmine Xu presented themselves, the first time as a team, at the International Symposium on "Early Childhood Education, the Past, Now and Future & Founding Congress for National Association of Early Childhood Education, co-hosted in Shanghai by Chinese Society of Education and East China Normal University. As an organization committed to serving for children with special needs, Chunhui is inspired for innovation and excellence, open for most updated child development information, and ready to learn and share.

chunnaibabies- In June 2015, Chunhui program directors and trainers gathered in Nanjing for the four-day international early education symposium. It was a new and inspiring experience where our child care concepts were tested and expanded. In early June, right after children had their great day, we were enjoying ours at the gathering. As always, Chunhui provides for staff professional learning and development opportunities so that the children we serve can have as many wonderful happy days as their special "children's day".

We hope Hairy Crab continues to support us as it has always been doing in order for orphaned children to thrive under loving care of Chunhui Mamas / preschools teachers / youth mentors. You'll have an opportunity to witness how these angelic lives bloom.


"All the children who are held and loved will know how to love others...Spread these virtues in the world. Nothing more need be done..." - MengZi c.300BC