desert crab logoThe Hairy Crab Desert Classic
April 28- May 2 2024
Palm Springs, CA

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Hey! Yo! This is Vinnie the Wedge talkin’. What?  You got a problem?

Listen. If you want a winning recipe for 1st Place Hairy Crab Jambalaya try this:

2014Pick out a good sized Australian crab with a great upper body and strong claws. It is important that you select a crab that is stress free and basically is the calmest one in the tank.

Next, pick out 2 average sized shrimp. The two shrimp you pick need to look hungry. Get one with a big head and the other with a big heart.

Finally, select one, small, well-aged shrimp.

Marinate all the shrimp together in Macallan for 24 hours at a minimum. Soak the crab in Coca Cola at the same time. Take all to Suzhou. Once in Suzhou, bring the crustaceans to simmer in one pot for 2 days. On the 3rd day bring the “team” of well simmered crustaceans to Tianma. Allow the hybrid mix to cool until 4PM.

Serve over cut crystal.

2014 Scores